
液相層析串聯質譜儀 (LC-MS/MS)

液相層析串聯質譜儀 (LC-MS/MS)



(Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS)

本儀器是將液相層析儀  (Liquid Chromatograph) 後端接上 和兩個串聯的質量分析器 (Mass Spectrometer)。質量分析器  (MS) 的主要功能是分析目標化合物的質/荷比(m/z),而質/荷比是化合物的一種特徵。串聯質譜儀由三個串聯的四極柱組成,第一的四極柱可篩選出特定質/荷比的母離子 (mother ion),在第二個四極柱中碰撞與碎裂成子離子(daughter ion),第三個四極柱可將篩選出特定的子離子,藉由與標準品比對層析波峰後,即可知檢體是否含有目標化合物及其濃度。藉由兩個質量分析器的串接可大幅增加偵測靈敏度與分析的精確性,此儀器是目前食品檢驗分析的主流儀器,應用性廣,對食品安全把關與監測更具全面性。主要應用於多重農藥殘留、食品中動物用藥、三聚氰胺、塑化劑等項目檢測分析。



  1. Target and non-target analysis with molecular network strategies for identifying potential index compounds from Momordica charantia L. for alleviating non-alcoholic fatty liver. (2024)
  2. Quantification of Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis-Related Organic Acids in Human Urine Using LC-MS/MS.(2022)
  3. Analysis of Chlorogenic Acid in Sweet Potato Leaf Extracts.(2022)
  4. Development and application of edible coating on dried pineapple exposed to electrical blanching.(2022)
  5. Microwave- and Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Cucurbitane-Type Triterpenoids from Momordica charantia L. Cultivars and Their Antiproliferative Effect on SAS Human Oral Cancer Cells.(2022)
  6. Use of urinary hippuric acid and o-/p-/m-methyl hippuric acid to evaluate surgical smoke exposure in operating room healthcare personnel.(2021)
  7. The Demethoxy Derivatives of Curcumin Exhibit Greater Differentiation Suppression in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Than Curcumin: A Mechanistic Study of Adipogenesis and Molecular Docking.(2021)
  8. Influence of Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Air Pollution on Fetal Growth: A Prospective Study(2020)
  9. The Effect of Thermal Processing on the Saponin Profiles of Momordica charantia L.(2020)
  10. Biotransformation of mogrosides from Siraitia grosvenorii by Ganoderma lucidum mycelium and the purification of mogroside III E by macroporous resins.(2020)
  11. Changbai Mountain Ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Mey) Extract Supplementation Improves Exercise Performance and Energy Utilization and Decreases Fatigue-Associated Parameters in Mice.(2017)
  12. Capsaicin Supplementation Reduces Physical Fatigue and Improves Exercise Performance in Mice.(2016)
  13. Hyperproduction of β-Glucanase Exg1 Promotes the Bioconversion of Mogrosides in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mutants Defective in Mannoprotein Deposition.(2015)